But alas, I am not sure I want to go. I mean I do but the part of me that is still in high school knows that I don't *know* that many
bloggers and it could be all kinds of like a popularity contest. I know, I know, all of you that have actually been will dispute this but we are all entitled to our fears right?
BTW if you live in a bubble,
Blogher is a big blogging convention that is being held in Chicago this year. For me, it would be all about meeting my blogging buddies, live and in person. This year, I will settle for watching them all meet each other and posting pictures on their blogs. Hear that ladies? I want pictures!!! I mean, if it wouldn't be too much trouble, could you post a picture or two?
You might be wondering about the pictures that follow. They are unrelated, completely, to the post. Jack insisted we take a picture of him with all the figurines at the mini golf course while we were at the lake. Naturally they had to make it into a post.
I mean what good is it being a Mommy blogger and not milking it for all it's worth?
And for some drama (every post needs some drama right?) do you all have a carbon monoxide detector? Think you don't need one? Think again after you read
Leslie’s close call. This makes me glad that the only time ours makes any noise is when the battery dies. And can anyone explain to me why this only ever occurs in the middle of the night? *yells shaking fist* MURPHY!
Here's another revelation from the mind of
Kami (it's a rather dark void on the time space continuum). My aunt and cousin from Nova
Scotia were just here visiting (Hi Anne and Conor!) and both of them can strum a guitar like no one's
biznass. And Anne can sing. This was like the sea parting for me, someone that I am genetically related to (my Dad's sister) can sing. In tune. On key. I will be singing Paul McCartney's "Let It Be" for months. Albeit not on key or in tune, damn genetics.
Anywho, what was my point here (I wasn't lying about the dark void now was I?) is that I was inspired. Anne didn't even pick up a guitar until her late 30's, which
incidentally I have just entered (not that I am admitting that or anything). I have always wished I had actually learned to play an instrument and now is the time. I retained 0% of the piano and clarinet (hell-o band geek, although I royally sucked, does that still make me a band geek or just a band
wanabe?) of my youth. Jack is going to begin keyboard lessons in the fall. Guess what? So am I. You heard it here first folks (buy ear plugs, NOW),
Kami is going to attempt to learn an instrument. Jack is thrilled in case you were wondering and I am not even being sarcastic (wonders will never cease).
But here's the thing, I have been promising myself that I would take a camera course this fall too. Do I have time for both? That would be a large and hairy no. So here's the thing. I love taking pictures but really that is just for me. If I learn an instrument, we can all enjoy this as a family. I picture us singing Christmas carols around the keyboard (no room for a piano in this house!), you know classic cliche's that sound fantastic.
I will do the photography class eventually but in an effort to keep my sanity and also not miss my children's elementary school years, one thing at a time.
As an aside, I really didn't think I had a lot to say in this hear post - what the? why is this cane around my neck and why am I being pulled off the stage? Okay, okay, wrap it up, wrap it up.
I leave you with this. My next post will have me taking
Amy’s challenge. It might be time for a change.