Tuesday, June 06, 2006

2 Truths and a Lie

Angella, a blogging friend of mine (met her in Vancouver - she's a fellow stay at home mom who also does CASB part time), posted this on her blog and she tagged anyone who saw it. It's fun so I am going to do it here too.

2 of the 3 statements below are true, one isn't - guess which one isn't....

1) I had no front teeth for about 4 years as a kid because I knocked both of them out in 2 separate incidents.

2)I had to wear braces for years because of the teeth knocking out incidents above.

3) I have never been pulled over by the cops in the 16 years that I have been driving.

Post away - answers to come when people besides Jay, Candace and Angella comment (but you 3 can too - please do I look forward to them - me a geek!).


Angella said...

Since 1 & 2 are related...I'll guess 3?

Because you can't be ALL geek :)

Anonymous said...

Since I have inside information I will not devulge!!!

Anonymous said...

I am guessing #2 is false. Why even mention teeth is nothing has ever happened to them - but I would think having them knocked out would make easier for the adult teeth to come in nicely....