That might go down as the longest post title ever here at the Khlopchyk house. I am not sure if anyone has noticed that my heart isn’t quite in my writing. I would guess you have since the stats are way down over here. I don’t really know why but I just don’t have any passion to write lately. And without the passion, the posts are uninspired and snoring. That would be boring with a touch of snore added in.
This post will be irrational and random. Kind of like me on any given day. I am trying something new, writing while I think. We’ll see if this post sees the light of day.
I have read on other sites, not my regular blog friends, but others that I peruse on occasion that it’s wrong or immoral to only comment on those people’s sites that comment on yours. Basically, if I get the right drift, it is formally frowned upon in the blogging world.
Wow, I think when I read that. See my take is a bit different, as always. I sometimes march to a different drum over here. Could be the voices in my head, jury is still out on that one.
I started this blog to keep friends and family in touch with us and our boys. And for a long time, I had about 3 readers who were not family. Turns out when you have your blog set to private not too many people can get to it. When Einstein over here figured that out, suddenly sweet wonderful people came to visit and blogging became so much more than that. I have made so many friends. I have had the pleasure of meeting some in person and I hope to meet many more.
It’s been amazing and intriguing to see who is interested in coming by here and who isn’t. There are people who I thought would be regulars who have never stopped by and those who I never dreamed would be interested who come by daily. And there are many who come but because there are no comments or emails, I’ll never know who you are.
That leads me to the comment thing. If blogging has brought me so many good friends and that has all come about through commenting on each other's sites, thereby getting to know each other, then doesn’t the whole idea that only commenting on sites where you are mutual readers being frowned upon seem kind of backwards?
Yes, that sentence will make you English majors and stellar writers cringe but bear with me okay? I am an accountant.
Blogging is about building relationships. To the extent that 1,000 woman bloggers converged in San Francisco this weekend to meet, face to face. In case you live in a box, there’s this annual blogging conference called
Blogher . A couple of you were there (Hi Ladies! Glad you had fun!).
It’s all about connecting with people as far as I can tell or why, oh why, would there be a conference where most people were just excited to meet their fellow bloggers, live and in person?
There are many bloggers whom I commented on regularly in my early days of blogging, only to never hear a peep back from. I eventually realized that some people have a million readers and they couldn’t possibly connect with every one of them. But again I ask, if blogging is about relationship building, why would I continue to comment regularly?
I still pop by most of them occasionally but I barely have time to keep up with my friends blogs, I had to limit it somehow.
Then there are those in the crowd who question the safety of letting it all hang out on the internet. I see their points, but also? I think they have no idea. No idea of the 1,001 other positive things that come about because of blogging - meeting new people, sharing ideas, and the encouragement from other women to name a very small few. These things outweigh any risks by 1,000 to 1.
Or am I wrong?
I would love to get some dialogue going on this. If you have a blog, do you agree, disagree and why? If you don’t but you come by I am ever so appreciative, but why? I don’t mean why you come here to this site per se but why do you read blogs in general, what motivates you to click over?
If you aren’t comfortable commenting, email me at
The comments and emails inspire me, and if you have a blog, I don’t need to explain it to you! It’s not that we need them, but they sure to make the blood, sweat and tears we put into our post worth it.
For me, blogging has become more than a hobby. It’s an outlet for me to develop my writing skills (and yes, I am aware that they need development), document my boys as they grow up and I would be lying if I didn’t admit that the comments, the connections and the encouragement keep me coming back for more.
To all of you whom with I have connected, thank you. You have touched my life in so many ways and I hope, in some small way, I was also able to touch yours in a positive light.
To family and friends, thanks for listening, it’s a joy to know that you read this. And also? Thanks for not mocking the insecurities that I float out here, I am forever grateful that you still talk to me after reading my drivel.
To those of you who remain anonymous, thank you for coming by. I would love to know you or know that you read so that I can share some of the blogging love with you.
That’s enough random for today. Hope you all had a fantastic weekend!