I have awards to give out and meme’s to do but alas, I am not in the right mood for that. To those of you who have been sweet enough to pass on awards and tag me, I have not forgotten and I promise to get to them when I can.
The weather has been fabulous the last couple of days and we have been spending as much time out and about as possible which translates into far less time on the old laptop. A good thing, no?
But first I must go down a controversial path. Plastic. BPA.
You’ve heard about it.
We all have. You may have even gone through your plastics and turfed a bunch that “they” are claiming are bad.
I may have even started to do that.
But then I stopped and thought for a minute.
It’s all a bit ludicrous.
Now don’t get angry. Hear me out for a second.
I know there are risks to ingesting BPA. It’s a bloody hormone for goodness sake. That can’t be a good thing to be messing around with. I mean have you been around me when my hormones are out of whack? Let’s not go adding to the madness people that would be adding fuel to the fire.
But the part that I don’t get? Why can’t anyone say for certain WHAT BPA can do to you if in fact you do ingest it?
There are many things that it “may”, “could” and “might” do to you. But they can’t even give us a probably or most likely.
And as for the ingesting part, no one can say with any reasonable level of probability if in fact plastic that contains BPA does leach into our food or drink. Again with the “may”, “could” and “mights”.
And to add more uncertainty to all of this, no one can say which plastics even have the BPA in them.
Are you confused?
I am.
And I also think that maybe, just maybe, this is all a big ploy by the very people who make the plastics that may or may not contain BPA (the jury is still out on that) to have us all throw out all our plastics.
That way they can make even more money by selling us new and improved BPA FREE plastics.
Doesn’t that sound even remotely plausible?
Well okay, it sounds a bit like the theory that the whole lunar landing was faked. I’ll give you that.
But let’s get back to the risks of ingesting BPA. I read somewhere that one of the risks was homosexuality and gender confusion.
Um dude, list that as a risk to ANYTHING and you have lost all credibility with me.
To me, that’s a bit like saying that on sunny days, it’s more likely that I’ll take dump.
You might be able to make some kind of statistical link between the two but that by no means makes the sun cause my regularity. Trust me, I have been regular my whole life… and gee, the sun has been shining my whole life too.. DAMN maybe there is a connection…
I want facts people, cold, hard, scientifically proven facts before I go adding to the
the plastic blob .
Remember when cell phones and microwaves caused cancer?
Me too.
I am just not yet convinced that I need to turf everything with a triangle surrounding a 3, 6 or 7. Or is that 1, 3, 6 and 7? One article I read said those where “bad” while 2, 4 and 5 were “better”.
*scratching head while drinking hot tea out of a #7 plastic mug*
(I mean this is jest and fun. If you do not use plastics or did just recently convert I am not dissing you. Not at all. I am just confused and mildly balking because I am at my heart a bit stubborn)