Okay, okay, here's his mug...
He's goofier than me, if you can even imagine. Trust me. And that is beer he's drinking but it's of the root variety. Liquor and boating don't mix.
We also did some of this....
There's my brother blowing his onion again. It's pretty fun to be the one driving the boat with your older brother at your mercy on the tube. Moohoohahahahaha! Actually I was getting my revenge for when he was driving while I was tubing. I just about hit the moon on that last one there Trev. Stop laughing you lip! (another Trevorism, he has many)
Clearly this shot was taken before the attempted lunar launching.
Jack and Daddy didn't last long. He didn't want to go alone and the weight of Jay in the tube created lots of splash. He made it farther than Kamden though. He stepped into the tube and immediately stepped out. My kids are not as adventurous as their parents. Justin and Arianna loved it though especially when I went over the bumps.
Another one of our favourite things to do is dock the boat on an island and build a fire on a rock. We were up in the Canadian shield which is beautiful. Unlike the southern part of our province as night is unlike day. There are lots of huge rock outcrops which make lovely safe fire spots. We have a couple favourite spots that we go back to every year.
We make bush pies for lunch in the fire. Now I know that bush has some strange connotations but here it means forest. As in head into the bush and find some firewood. Bush pies are made over an open flame in the forest or bush.
Making them requires a loaf of bread and some type of filling. The boys like cheese, we like pizza sauce, meat and cheese and for dessert, pie filling, chocolate and marshmallows. Mmmmmm...
Here Anna and Jack are helping Grams with the dessert ones. I think more marshmallows and chocolate may have ended up in their tummies than the pies.....no wonder they wanted to "help".
Once you fill the pie, you place it between these metal plates and hold over the fire until the bread is nice and toasted and the filling is sufficiently melted.
Then enjoy. Try not to wear most it like Kamden did though...
And we also spent lots of time at the beach.
Kamden tried to skim board on his boogie board. He may or may not have been copying me. Let's just say my attempt was far less gracefull and may have resulted in wipeout to end all wipeouts. Boogie Boards + skim boarding = disaster.
It was a lovely way to cap off summer. My parents own a cabin up there with my aunt and Uncle. They only took possession of it at the beginning of this summer and have just begun an addition to house all of us. We hope to spend some time there every summer repeating the above.
What a fun vacation!! You guys look like you had a blast.
And I love me some cherry pie over a fire.... Those metal thingies are awesome.
Looks like a GREAT time!!
Looks and sounds like a totally fun time!
I can't believe that summer is basically over though!
Now that looks like a fun get away. Reminds me of being a kid.
*sigh* sounds like a great time! the campfire pies, sound even better! YUM.
Ok. I need to know exactly where you live. Not because I am stalking you (alright well kinda) but because my cousin lived in Canada and I want to know if you live near her. OH and I want to know what lake that is.
So email me, k?
I used to LOVE tubing when I was a kid (a lot less work than skiing!)
And the dessert version of the bush pie - yeah, I am SO on board with that! : )
Wow, looks like a really FUN vacation!! Good on you for making the most of your last weeks of summer.
And I love how you Canucks go camping in the woods!! We don't do that here, we always camp at the beach. But one day I want to camp in the woods by a lake in Canada!!
oh wow! after you come here and go to six flags...I want to go there and make bush pies! that looks like so much fun and wow, what a beautiful area! glad yall enjoyed your time away!
looks like a wonderful time and realy blue water. We have really only ventured out to good spirit here and its a little brown. We will have to expand and do some searching next year
It looks just fabulous and do you know the one thing better than owning a lake house ...? Having parents that own one!!!!!!! These are fabulous pictures of such a fun time. Your brother sounds fun - like mine - mine is crazy and so fun to be around too!
Take care and enjoy your week - Kellan
SO fun! Next time I want an invite! hee hee
Oh Kami, that was awesome!!!
So glad you had such a blast.
Love the photo of you and Jay, the one with him grinning his butt off at the back of the boat, you two are so cute!!
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